Every community. Every school. Every kid.
I am excited to congratulate Ebony DeBerry on becoming our elected member of the Chicago Board of Education. I have absolute confidence that she will continue to prioritize our schools, as she has done for decades.
I am deeply proud of the campaign we ran. I set out to make sure that our city does not continue to stand for a board of education without direct, lived disability experience. There has never been a member of the Board of Education who is a person with disabilities. I remain committed to disability justice and will fight to see that change.
The campaign was better because we were in it. As the only current CPS parent on the ballot, we insisted that parents need a seat at the table, we built a policy-led campaign, and we centered all of our work in the experiences of those most impacted by our systems. This is how we reimagine.
A dear friend and longtime education organizer shared with me that, “Historians say that revolutions are fomented by 15% of the population. Not huge majorities, not large electorates. 15% of a group who is willing to loudly demand what we deserve when it’s not popular. Thank you for starting to build that 15% in district 2.”
I will continue to co-create community within and across the schools of district 2 and to relentlessly fight for the education our kids deserve.
Hi, I'm Maggie!
I am a single mom of two CPS students, running to represent District 2 on the Chicago School Board. I believe that my child cannot succeed unless every child can succeed. I have the experience to cut through bureaucracy, make meaningful change, and ensure that every student has the school they need and deserve.
Every community
Every school
Every kid
Every community · Every school · Every kid ·
Every kid
Every school
Every community
Every kid · Every school · Every community ·
Proud to have received:
100% on the Equality Illinois pro-LGBTQ+ candidate survey
Green Rating from Authors Against Book Bans Chicago
Recommended by Planned Parenthood IL Action
2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction
Proudly Endorsed By:
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Congressman Mike Quigley
Chicago City Clerk Anna Valencia
Committeeman John Hanley
Representative Kelly Cassidy
CPS Parents for Buses
Personal PAC
Plumbers Local 130 UA
Teamsters Joint Council 25
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council
IUOE Local 150
IUOE Local 399

Of all the newly drawn Chicago Elected School Board districts, District 2 is one of the most diverse. Our district encompasses parts of Albany Park, Andersonville, Edgewater, Lincoln Square, Ravenswood, Rogers Park, Uptown and West Ridge. I am deeply committed to listening to and fighting for every student in our district!